Sending build context to Docker daemon 34.19MB Step 1/50 : FROM ubuntu:16.04 ---> 0458a4468cbc Step 2/50 : ARG APTPROXY= ---> Using cache ---> f21fa047452d Step 3/50 : RUN echo "Acquire::http { Proxy \"$APTPROXY\"; };" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy && cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy && apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends build-essential ca-certificates cpio curl dosfstools gccgo genisoimage gettext git isolinux less libblkid-dev libmount-dev libselinux1-dev locales module-init-tools mtools openssh-client pkg-config qemu qemu-kvm rsync sudo syslinux-common vim wget xorriso xz-utils telnet ---> Using cache ---> 27919a2f9a07 Step 4/50 : ENV DAPPER_ENV VERSION DEV_BUILD RUNTEST DEBUG APTPROXY ENGINE_REGISTRY_MIRROR INTEGRATION_TESTS ---> Using cache ---> 3825368328e2 Step 5/50 : ENV DAPPER_DOCKER_SOCKET true ---> Using cache ---> e65ae2a50548 Step 6/50 : ENV DAPPER_SOURCE /go/src/ ---> Using cache ---> 6ebb0d7733bf Step 7/50 : ENV DAPPER_OUTPUT ./bin ./dist ./build/initrd ./build/kernel ---> Using cache ---> cc7c07d2b214 Step 8/50 : ENV DAPPER_RUN_ARGS --privileged ---> Using cache ---> ba49f5127e66 Step 9/50 : ENV TRASH_CACHE ${DAPPER_SOURCE}/.trash-cache ---> Using cache ---> 6839295e0c67 Step 10/50 : ENV SHELL /bin/bash ---> Using cache ---> 764a88bcd023 Step 11/50 : WORKDIR ${DAPPER_SOURCE} ---> Using cache ---> 26f6d0328f21 Step 12/50 : ARG DAPPER_HOST_ARCH=amd64 ---> Using cache ---> be808a78e308 Step 13/50 : ARG HOST_ARCH=${DAPPER_HOST_ARCH} ---> Using cache ---> 097e6fbb3a08 Step 14/50 : ARG ARCH=${HOST_ARCH} ---> Using cache ---> 5e26369d5452 Step 15/50 : ARG OS_REPO=rancher ---> Using cache ---> 27a0022351db Step 16/50 : ARG HOSTNAME_DEFAULT=rancher ---> Using cache ---> 379088f637ff Step 17/50 : ARG DISTRIB_ID=RancherOS ---> Using cache ---> c324456a386e Step 18/50 : ARG DOCKER_VERSION=1.11.2 ---> Using cache ---> cccf16279513 Step 19/50 : ARG DOCKER_PATCH_VERSION=v${DOCKER_VERSION}-ros1 ---> Using cache ---> 58715d69fd73 Step 20/50 : ARG DOCKER_BUILD_VERSION=1.10.3 ---> Using cache ---> d20696b22c9e Step 21/50 : ARG DOCKER_BUILD_PATCH_VERSION=v${DOCKER_BUILD_VERSION}-ros1 ---> Using cache ---> 1235dc337002 Step 22/50 : ARG SELINUX_POLICY_URL= ---> Using cache ---> d6e7036dabe6 Step 23/50 : ARG KERNEL_VERSION_amd64=4.9.80-rancher ---> Using cache ---> 2d82b49c49f9 Step 24/50 : ARG KERNEL_URL_amd64=${KERNEL_VERSION_amd64}/linux-${KERNEL_VERSION_amd64}-x86.tar.gz ---> Using cache ---> 6336d4c191ef Step 25/50 : ARG DOCKER_URL_amd64=${DOCKER_VERSION}.tgz ---> Using cache ---> 8b27c7ef0930 Step 26/50 : ARG DOCKER_URL_arm64=${DOCKER_PATCH_VERSION}/docker-${DOCKER_VERSION}_arm64.tgz ---> Using cache ---> 05d95ac402b5 Step 27/50 : ARG BUILD_DOCKER_URL_amd64=${DOCKER_BUILD_VERSION} ---> Using cache ---> c9a1e3ab8fa9 Step 28/50 : ARG BUILD_DOCKER_URL_arm64=${DOCKER_BUILD_PATCH_VERSION}/docker-${DOCKER_BUILD_VERSION}_arm64 ---> Using cache ---> fd329335b0af Step 29/50 : ARG OS_RELEASES_YML= ---> Using cache ---> 3d84934968c7 Step 30/50 : ARG OS_SERVICES_REPO=${OS_REPO}/os-services ---> Using cache ---> ab136769f7cf Step 31/50 : ARG IMAGE_NAME=${OS_REPO}/os ---> Using cache ---> 6acee67a883f Step 32/50 : ARG DFS_IMAGE=${OS_REPO}/docker:v${DOCKER_VERSION}-2 ---> Using cache ---> 3170e1e7b979 Step 33/50 : ARG OS_BASE_URL_amd64= ---> Using cache ---> c2e2ea483d80 Step 34/50 : ARG OS_BASE_URL_arm64= ---> Using cache ---> aa17a59f7234 Step 35/50 : ARG SYSTEM_DOCKER_VERSION=17.06-ros3 ---> Using cache ---> 598c9eca7af1 Step 36/50 : ARG SYSTEM_DOCKER_URL_amd64=${SYSTEM_DOCKER_VERSION}/docker-amd64-${SYSTEM_DOCKER_VERSION}.tgz ---> Using cache ---> b66d86b9be0d Step 37/50 : ARG SYSTEM_DOCKER_URL_arm64=${SYSTEM_DOCKER_VERSION}/docker-arm64-${SYSTEM_DOCKER_VERSION}.tgz ---> Using cache ---> 1612997a23e1 Step 38/50 : ENV ARCH ${ARCH} HOST_ARCH ${HOST_ARCH} ---> Using cache ---> 921da4a9729e Step 39/50 : ENV BUILD_DOCKER_URL BUILD_DOCKER_URL_${ARCH} BUILD_DOCKER_URL_amd64 ${BUILD_DOCKER_URL_amd64} BUILD_DOCKER_URL_arm64 ${BUILD_DOCKER_URL_arm64} DAPPER_HOST_ARCH ${DAPPER_HOST_ARCH} DFS_IMAGE ${DFS_IMAGE} DISTRIB_ID ${DISTRIB_ID} DOCKER_PATCH_VERSION ${DOCKER_PATCH_VERSION} DOCKER_URL DOCKER_URL_${ARCH} DOCKER_URL_amd64 ${DOCKER_URL_amd64} DOCKER_URL_arm64 ${DOCKER_URL_arm64} DOCKER_VERSION ${DOCKER_VERSION} DOWNLOADS /usr/src/downloads GOPATH /go GO_VERSION 1.8.5 GOARCH $ARCH HOSTNAME_DEFAULT ${HOSTNAME_DEFAULT} IMAGE_NAME ${IMAGE_NAME} KERNEL_VERSION ${KERNEL_VERSION_amd64} KERNEL_URL KERNEL_URL_${ARCH} KERNEL_URL_amd64 ${KERNEL_URL_amd64} KERNEL_URL_arm64 ${KERNEL_URL_arm64} OS_BASE_SHA1 OS_BASE_SHA1_${ARCH} OS_BASE_URL OS_BASE_URL_${ARCH} OS_BASE_URL_amd64 ${OS_BASE_URL_amd64} OS_BASE_URL_arm64 ${OS_BASE_URL_arm64} OS_RELEASES_YML ${OS_RELEASES_YML} OS_REPO ${OS_REPO} OS_SERVICES_REPO ${OS_SERVICES_REPO} REPO_VERSION master SELINUX_POLICY_URL ${SELINUX_POLICY_URL} SYSTEM_DOCKER_URL SYSTEM_DOCKER_URL_${ARCH} SYSTEM_DOCKER_URL_amd64 ${SYSTEM_DOCKER_URL_amd64} SYSTEM_DOCKER_URL_arm64 ${SYSTEM_DOCKER_URL_arm64} ---> Using cache ---> d21807a52c1d Step 40/50 : ENV PATH ${GOPATH}/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH ---> Using cache ---> 2f65c34f5692 Step 41/50 : RUN mkdir -p ${DOWNLOADS} ---> Using cache ---> 28a69ebbab8d Step 42/50 : RUN rm /bin/sh && ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh ---> Using cache ---> 8330ec35fd56 Step 43/50 : RUN echo "... Downloading ${!KERNEL_URL}"; if [ -n "${!KERNEL_URL}" ]; then curl -fL ${!KERNEL_URL} > ${DOWNLOADS}/kernel.tar.gz ;fi ---> Using cache ---> cc28de387dc9 Step 44/50 : RUN curl -pfL ${SELINUX_POLICY_URL} > ${DOWNLOADS}/$(basename ${SELINUX_POLICY_URL}) ---> Using cache ---> 0411323bbe96 Step 45/50 : RUN wget -O -${GO_VERSION}.linux-${GOARCH}.tar.gz | tar -xzf - -C /usr/local && go get && go get ---> Using cache ---> 8325f3ef6862 Step 46/50 : RUN curl -fL ${!BUILD_DOCKER_URL} > /usr/bin/docker && chmod +x /usr/bin/docker ---> Using cache ---> d7e9b46962e8 Step 47/50 : RUN curl -sL`uname -s`-`uname -m | sed 's/arm.*/arm/'` > /usr/bin/dapper && chmod +x /usr/bin/dapper ---> Using cache ---> b23f421f7034 Step 48/50 : RUN cd ${DOWNLOADS} && curl -pfL ${!OS_BASE_URL} | tar xvJf - ---> Using cache ---> 4899e54ede72 Step 49/50 : ENTRYPOINT ./scripts/entry ---> Using cache ---> 7eee6f2accec Step 50/50 : CMD ci ---> Using cache ---> 38e99000a974 Successfully built 38e99000a974 Successfully tagged os:v1-3-x Sending build context to Docker daemon 34.19MB Step 1/2 : FROM os:v1-3-x ---> 38e99000a974 Step 2/2 : COPY . /go/src/ ---> 22b562979b08 Successfully built 22b562979b08 Successfully tagged os:v1-3-x ++ dirname ./scripts/release + cd ./scripts/.. + source ./scripts/version +++ git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no ++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ git rev-parse --short HEAD ++ COMMIT=4fb7f8e +++ git tag -l --contains HEAD +++ head -n 1 ++ GIT_TAG=v1.3.0 ++ '[' -z '' ']' ++ [[ -z '' ]] ++ [[ -n v1.3.0 ]] ++ VERSION=v1.3.0 ++ INITRD=initrd-v1.3.0 ++ export VERSION COMMIT INITRD ++ export SUFFIX= ++ SUFFIX= ++ '[' -n amd64 ']' ++ '[' amd64 '!=' amd64 ']' ++ echo ' Building v1.3.0 from 4fb7f8e on amd64' Building v1.3.0 from 4fb7f8e on amd64 + export REPO_VERSION=v1.3.0 + REPO_VERSION=v1.3.0 + export 'COMPRESS=xz --format=lzma -9 --memlimit-compress=80% -e' + COMPRESS='xz --format=lzma -9 --memlimit-compress=80% -e' + ./scripts/ci ++ dirname ./scripts/ci + cd ./scripts/.. + echo BUILD BUILD + ./scripts/build -------------------------./build-target + ros= ++ dirname ./scripts/build-target + source ./scripts/version +++ git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no ++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ git rev-parse --short HEAD ++ COMMIT=4fb7f8e +++ git tag -l --contains HEAD +++ head -n 1 ++ GIT_TAG=v1.3.0 ++ '[' -z v1.3.0 ']' ++ INITRD=initrd-v1.3.0 ++ export VERSION COMMIT INITRD ++ export SUFFIX= ++ SUFFIX= ++ '[' -n amd64 ']' ++ '[' amd64 '!=' amd64 ']' ++ echo ' Building v1.3.0 from 4fb7f8e on amd64' Building v1.3.0 from 4fb7f8e on amd64 ++ dirname ./scripts/build-target + cd ./scripts/.. + '[' '' '!=' '' ']' + OUTPUT=bin/ros + echo Building bin/ros Building bin/ros ++ date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ + BUILDDATE=2018-03-28T03:36:45Z + CONST='-X -X -X'\''2018-03-28T03:36:45Z'\''' + go build -tags 'selinux cgo daemon netgo' -installsuffix netgo -ldflags '-X -X -X'\''2018-03-28T03:36:45Z'\'' -linkmode external -extldflags -static -s -w' -o bin/ros -------------------------./build-host Creating bin/host_ros + echo TEST TEST + ./scripts/test ++ dirname ./scripts/test + cd ./scripts/.. + echo Running tests Running tests ++ find -name '*.go' ++ xargs '-I{}' dirname '{}' ++ cut -f2 -d/ ++ grep -Ev '(^\.$|.git|.trash-cache|vendor|bin|tests)' ++ sort -u ++ sed -e 's!^!./!' -e 's!$!/...!' + PACKAGES='. ./cmd/... ./compose/... ./config/... ./dfs/... ./docker/... ./hostname/... ./init/... ./log/... ./netconf/... ./scripts/... ./selinux/... ./util/...' + '[' amd64 = amd64 ']' + RACE=-race + go test -race -v -cover -tags=test . ./cmd/... ./compose/... ./config/... ./dfs/... ./docker/... ./hostname/... ./init/... ./log/... ./netconf/... ./scripts/... ./selinux/... ./util/... ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] === RUN TestGenTpl --- PASS: TestGenTpl (0.00s) PASS coverage: 0.6% of statements ok 1.316s coverage: 0.6% of statements ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] === RUN TestFilterKey --- PASS: TestFilterKey (0.00s) === RUN TestUnmarshalOrReturnString --- PASS: TestUnmarshalOrReturnString (0.02s) === RUN TestCmdlineParse --- PASS: TestCmdlineParse (0.01s) === RUN TestGet --- PASS: TestGet (0.00s) === RUN TestSet --- PASS: TestSet (0.00s) === RUN TestMapMerge --- PASS: TestMapMerge (0.00s) === RUN TestUserDocker --- PASS: TestUserDocker (0.03s) === RUN TestGenerateEngineOptsString --- PASS: TestGenerateEngineOptsString (0.01s) === RUN TestSubstituteUserDataVars --- PASS: TestSubstituteUserDataVars (0.04s) === RUN TestValidate Testing {}, contains Testing rancher: log: true, contains Testing write_files: - container: console path: /etc/rc.local permissions: "0755" owner: root content: | #!/bin/bash wait-for-docker, contains Testing rancher: docker: extra_args: ['--insecure-registry', ''], contains Testing bad_key: {}, contains Additional property bad_key is not allowedTesting rancher: [], contains rancher: Invalid type. Expected: object, given: arrayTesting bootcmd: [] hostname: "" mounts: [] rancher: bootstrap: {} bootstrap_docker: bridge: "" ca_cert: "" ca_key: "" config_file: "" containerd: "" debug: null engine: "" environment: [] exec: false exec_root: "" extra_args: [] graph: "" group: "" host: [] insecure_registry: [] live_restore: null log_driver: "" log_opts: {} pid_file: "" registry_mirror: "" restart: null selinux_enabled: null server_cert: "" server_key: "" storage_context: "" storage_driver: "" tls: false tls_args: [] userland_proxy: null cloud_init: datasources: [] cloud_init_services: {} console: "" debug: false default_network: dns: nameservers: [] search: [] http_proxy: "" https_proxy: "" interfaces: {} no_proxy: "" post_cmds: [] pre_cmds: [] defaults: docker: bridge: "" ca_cert: "" ca_key: "" config_file: "" containerd: "" debug: null engine: "" environment: [] exec: false exec_root: "" extra_args: [] graph: "" group: "" host: [] insecure_registry: [] live_restore: null log_driver: "" log_opts: {} pid_file: "" registry_mirror: "" restart: null selinux_enabled: null server_cert: "" server_key: "" storage_context: "" storage_driver: "" tls: false tls_args: [] userland_proxy: null hostname: "" network: dns: nameservers: [] search: [] http_proxy: "" https_proxy: "" interfaces: {} no_proxy: "" post_cmds: [] pre_cmds: [] disable: [] docker: bridge: "" ca_cert: "" ca_key: "" config_file: "" containerd: "" debug: null engine: "" environment: [] exec: false exec_root: "" extra_args: [] graph: "" group: "" host: [] insecure_registry: [] live_restore: null log_driver: "" log_opts: {} pid_file: "" registry_mirror: "" restart: null selinux_enabled: null server_cert: "" server_key: "" storage_context: "" storage_driver: "" tls: false tls_args: [] userland_proxy: null environment: {} force_console_rebuild: false hypervisor_service: false log: false modules: [] network: dns: nameservers: [] search: [] http_proxy: "" https_proxy: "" interfaces: {} no_proxy: "" post_cmds: [] pre_cmds: [] no_sharedroot: false recovery: false registry_auths: {} repositories: {} resize_device: "" restart_services: [] rm_usr: false services: {} services_include: {} shutdown_timeout: 0 ssh: daemon: false keys: {} listen_address: "" port: 0 state: autoformat: [] dev: "" directory: "" fstype: "" mdadm_scan: false oem_dev: "" oem_fstype: "" required: false script: "" wait: false sysctl: {} system_docker: bridge: "" ca_cert: "" ca_key: "" config_file: "" containerd: "" debug: null engine: "" environment: [] exec: false exec_root: "" extra_args: [] graph: "" group: "" host: [] insecure_registry: [] live_restore: null log_driver: "" log_opts: {} pid_file: "" registry_mirror: "" restart: null selinux_enabled: null server_cert: "" server_key: "" storage_context: "" storage_driver: "" tls: false tls_args: [] userland_proxy: null upgrade: image: "" rollback: "" url: "" runcmd: [] ssh_authorized_keys: [] write_files: [] , contains --- PASS: TestValidate (0.56s) PASS coverage: 18.7% of statements ok 1.777s coverage: 18.7% of statements === RUN TestNewCloudConfig --- PASS: TestNewCloudConfig (0.02s) === RUN TestNewCloudConfigDecode --- PASS: TestNewCloudConfigDecode (0.02s) === RUN TestIsZero --- PASS: TestIsZero (0.00s) === RUN TestAssertStructValid --- PASS: TestAssertStructValid (0.00s) === RUN TestConfigCompile --- PASS: TestConfigCompile (0.02s) === RUN TestCloudConfigUnknownKeys --- PASS: TestCloudConfigUnknownKeys (0.01s) === RUN TestCloudConfigEmpty --- PASS: TestCloudConfigEmpty (0.00s) === RUN TestCloudConfig --- PASS: TestCloudConfig (0.01s) === RUN TestCloudConfigKeysNotList --- PASS: TestCloudConfigKeysNotList (0.00s) === RUN TestCloudConfigSerializationHeader --- PASS: TestCloudConfigSerializationHeader (0.02s) === RUN TestCloudConfigUsers --- PASS: TestCloudConfigUsers (0.00s) === RUN TestCloudConfigUsersGithubUser --- PASS: TestCloudConfigUsersGithubUser (0.00s) === RUN TestCloudConfigUsersSSHImportURL --- PASS: TestCloudConfigUsersSSHImportURL (0.00s) === RUN TestEncodingValid --- PASS: TestEncodingValid (0.02s) === RUN TestRawFilePermissionsValid --- PASS: TestRawFilePermissionsValid (0.01s) === RUN TestRebootWindowStart --- PASS: TestRebootWindowStart (0.05s) === RUN TestRebootWindowLength --- PASS: TestRebootWindowLength (0.01s) === RUN TestCommandValid --- PASS: TestCommandValid (0.02s) === RUN TestRebootStrategyValid --- PASS: TestRebootStrategyValid (0.01s) PASS coverage: 75.3% of statements ok 1.328s coverage: 75.3% of statements === RUN TestNewContext --- PASS: TestNewContext (0.00s) === RUN TestIncrement --- PASS: TestIncrement (0.00s) === RUN TestChild --- PASS: TestChild (0.00s) === RUN TestHumanType --- PASS: TestHumanType (0.00s) === RUN TestToNode --- PASS: TestToNode (0.00s) === RUN TestFindKey --- PASS: TestFindKey (0.00s) === RUN TestFindElem --- PASS: TestFindElem (0.00s) === RUN TestEntry --- PASS: TestEntry (0.00s) === RUN TestReport --- PASS: TestReport (0.00s) === RUN TestCheckDiscoveryURL --- PASS: TestCheckDiscoveryURL (0.11s) === RUN TestCheckEncoding --- PASS: TestCheckEncoding (0.08s) === RUN TestCheckStructure --- PASS: TestCheckStructure (0.53s) === RUN TestCheckValidity --- PASS: TestCheckValidity (0.12s) === RUN TestCheckWriteFiles --- PASS: TestCheckWriteFiles (0.03s) === RUN TestCheckWriteFilesUnderCoreos --- PASS: TestCheckWriteFilesUnderCoreos (0.03s) === RUN TestParseCloudConfig --- PASS: TestParseCloudConfig (0.00s) === RUN TestValidateCloudConfig --- PASS: TestValidateCloudConfig (0.10s) === RUN TestValidate --- PASS: TestValidate (0.00s) PASS coverage: 93.6% of statements ok 2.133s coverage: 93.6% of statements ? [no test files] === RUN TestFetchMetadata --- PASS: TestFetchMetadata (0.00s) === RUN TestFetchUserdata --- PASS: TestFetchUserdata (0.00s) === RUN TestConfigRoot --- PASS: TestConfigRoot (0.00s) === RUN TestNewDatasource --- PASS: TestNewDatasource (0.00s) PASS coverage: 38.5% of statements ok 1.063s coverage: 38.5% of statements ? [no test files] === RUN TestAvailabilityChanges --- PASS: TestAvailabilityChanges (0.00s) === RUN TestIsAvailable time="2018-03-28T03:38:53Z" level=error msg="IsAvailable: /: (lastError: not found: "/")" --- PASS: TestIsAvailable (0.00s) === RUN TestFetchUserdata --- PASS: TestFetchUserdata (0.00s) === RUN TestURLs --- PASS: TestURLs (0.00s) === RUN TestNewDatasource --- PASS: TestNewDatasource (0.00s) === RUN TestFetchAttributes --- PASS: TestFetchAttributes (0.00s) === RUN TestFetchAttribute --- PASS: TestFetchAttribute (0.00s) PASS coverage: 93.8% of statements ok 1.066s coverage: 93.8% of statements === RUN TestType --- PASS: TestType (0.00s) === RUN TestFetchMetadata 2018/03/28 03:38:56 Found SSH key for "xx" 2018/03/28 03:38:56 Found hostname host --- PASS: TestFetchMetadata (0.00s) PASS coverage: 78.1% of statements ok 1.066s coverage: 78.1% of statements === RUN TestType --- PASS: TestType (0.00s) === RUN TestFetchMetadata --- PASS: TestFetchMetadata (0.00s) PASS coverage: 60.3% of statements ok 1.064s coverage: 60.3% of statements === RUN TestType --- PASS: TestType (0.00s) === RUN TestFetchMetadata 2018/03/28 03:38:57 Found SSH key for "test1" 2018/03/28 03:38:57 Found SSH key for "test1" --- PASS: TestFetchMetadata (0.00s) PASS coverage: 64.6% of statements ok 1.081s coverage: 64.6% of statements === RUN TestType --- PASS: TestType (0.00s) === RUN TestFetchMetadata --- PASS: TestFetchMetadata (0.00s) PASS coverage: 57.7% of statements ok 1.095s coverage: 57.7% of statements ? [no test files] ? [no test files] === RUN TestParseCmdlineCloudConfigFound time="2018-03-28T03:39:00Z" level=info msg="Found cloud-config-url in /proc/cmdline with no value, ignoring." --- PASS: TestParseCmdlineCloudConfigFound (0.00s) === RUN TestProcCmdlineAndFetchConfig 2018/03/28 03:39:00 Fetching data from Attempt #1 --- PASS: TestProcCmdlineAndFetchConfig (0.01s) PASS coverage: 59.0% of statements ok 1.091s coverage: 59.0% of statements === RUN TestReadFile --- PASS: TestReadFile (0.00s) === RUN TestNewMockFilesystem --- PASS: TestNewMockFilesystem (0.00s) PASS coverage: 93.3% of statements ok 1.042s coverage: 93.3% of statements ? [no test files] === RUN TestFetchMetadata read(hostname) first read(dns.server.0) read(dns.domain.0) read( read(interface.0.mac) test mac read(interface.0.dhcp) yes read(interface.0.role) read(interface.0.ip.0.address) read(interface.0.route.0.gateway) read( read(interface.1.mac) read(interface.1.dhcp) read(interface.1.role) read(interface.1.ip.0.address) read(interface.1.route.0.gateway) read(hostname) second read(dns.server.0) read(dns.domain.0) read( test name read(interface.0.mac) read(interface.0.dhcp) yes read(interface.0.role) read(interface.0.ip.0.address) read(interface.0.route.0.gateway) read( read(interface.1.mac) read(interface.1.dhcp) read(interface.1.role) read(interface.1.ip.0.address) read(interface.1.route.0.gateway) read(hostname) test host read(dns.server.0) read(dns.domain.0) read( read(interface.0.mac) test mac read(interface.0.dhcp) read(interface.0.role) private read(interface.0.ip.0.address) fe00::100/64 read(interface.0.ip.1.address) read(interface.0.route.0.gateway) fe00::1 read(interface.0.route.1.gateway) read( read(interface.1.mac) read(interface.1.dhcp) read(interface.1.role) read(interface.1.ip.0.address) read(interface.1.route.0.gateway) read(hostname) test host read(dns.server.0) read(dns.domain.0) read( test name read(interface.0.mac) read(interface.0.dhcp) read(interface.0.role) public read(interface.0.ip.0.address) read(interface.0.ip.1.address) read(interface.0.ip.2.address) read(interface.0.route.0.gateway) read(interface.0.route.1.gateway) read( read(interface.1.mac) test mac read(interface.1.dhcp) read(interface.1.role) private read(interface.1.ip.0.address) read(interface.1.ip.1.address) read(interface.1.route.0.gateway) read(interface.1.route.1.gateway) read( read(interface.2.mac) read(interface.2.dhcp) read(interface.2.role) read(interface.2.ip.0.address) read(interface.2.route.0.gateway) --- PASS: TestFetchMetadata (0.01s) === RUN TestFetchUserdata read( read( read(cloud-init.config.url) read( read( test config read( read( test config read( base64 read( dGVzdCBjb25maWc= read( gzip+base64 read( H4sIABaoWlUAAytJLS5RSM7PS8tMBwCQiHNZCwAAAA== read( test encoding read( read(cloud-init.config.url) read( read( read(cloud-init.config.url) read( read( read(cloud-init.config.url) --- PASS: TestFetchUserdata (0.00s) === RUN TestFetchUserdataError --- PASS: TestFetchUserdataError (0.00s) === RUN TestOvfTransport --- PASS: TestOvfTransport (0.00s) PASS coverage: 62.3% of statements ok 1.080s coverage: 62.3% of statements === RUN TestFetchMetadata time="2018-03-28T03:39:02Z" level=info msg="Attempting to read from "/SharedConfig.xml" " time="2018-03-28T03:39:02Z" level=info msg="Attempting to read from "/SharedConfig.xml" " time="2018-03-28T03:39:02Z" level=info msg="Attempting to read from "/var/lib/Waagent/SharedConfig.xml" " time="2018-03-28T03:39:02Z" level=info msg="Attempting to read from "/var/lib/Waagent/SharedConfig.xml" " --- PASS: TestFetchMetadata (0.01s) === RUN TestFetchUserdata time="2018-03-28T03:39:02Z" level=info msg="Attempting to read from "/CustomData" " time="2018-03-28T03:39:02Z" level=info msg="Attempting to read from "/CustomData" " time="2018-03-28T03:39:02Z" level=info msg="Attempting to read from "/var/lib/Waagent/CustomData" " --- PASS: TestFetchUserdata (0.00s) === RUN TestConfigRoot --- PASS: TestConfigRoot (0.00s) === RUN TestNewDatasource --- PASS: TestNewDatasource (0.00s) PASS coverage: 77.8% of statements ok 1.075s coverage: 77.8% of statements === RUN TestEnvironmentApply --- PASS: TestEnvironmentApply (0.05s) === RUN TestEnvironmentFile 2018/03/28 03:39:03 Writing file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-895856235/etc/environment" 2018/03/28 03:39:03 Wrote file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-895856235/etc/environment" --- PASS: TestEnvironmentFile (0.00s) === RUN TestEnvironmentFileNil --- PASS: TestEnvironmentFileNil (0.00s) === RUN TestCloudConfigUsersURLMarshal 2018/03/28 03:39:03 Fetching data from Attempt #1 --- PASS: TestCloudConfigUsersURLMarshal (0.02s) === RUN TestParseHeaderCRLF 2018/03/28 03:39:03 Parsing user-data as cloud-config 2018/03/28 03:39:03 Parsing user-data as cloud-config 2018/03/28 03:39:03 Parsing user-data as script 2018/03/28 03:39:03 Parsing user-data as script --- PASS: TestParseHeaderCRLF (0.00s) === RUN TestParseConfigCRLF 2018/03/28 03:39:03 Parsing user-data as cloud-config --- PASS: TestParseConfigCRLF (0.00s) === RUN TestParseConfigEmpty --- PASS: TestParseConfigEmpty (0.00s) PASS coverage: 54.3% of statements ok 1.152s coverage: 54.3% of statements === RUN TestFormatConfigs --- PASS: TestFormatConfigs (0.00s) === RUN TestProcessDebianNetconf 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing Debian network config 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsed 0 network interfaces 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processed Debian network config 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing Debian network config 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing Debian network config 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsed 0 network interfaces 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processed Debian network config 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing Debian network config 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsed 1 network interfaces 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processed Debian network config --- PASS: TestProcessDebianNetconf (0.00s) === RUN TestInterfaceGenerators --- PASS: TestInterfaceGenerators (0.00s) === RUN TestModprobeParams --- PASS: TestModprobeParams (0.00s) === RUN TestBuildInterfacesLo --- PASS: TestBuildInterfacesLo (0.00s) === RUN TestBuildInterfacesBlindBond --- PASS: TestBuildInterfacesBlindBond (0.00s) === RUN TestBuildInterfacesBlindVLAN --- PASS: TestBuildInterfacesBlindVLAN (0.00s) === RUN TestBuildInterfaces --- PASS: TestBuildInterfaces (0.00s) === RUN TestFilename --- PASS: TestFilename (0.00s) === RUN TestSplitStanzasNoParent --- PASS: TestSplitStanzasNoParent (0.00s) === RUN TestBadParseStanzas --- PASS: TestBadParseStanzas (0.00s) === RUN TestBadParseInterfaceStanza --- PASS: TestBadParseInterfaceStanza (0.00s) === RUN TestBadParseVLANStanzas --- PASS: TestBadParseVLANStanzas (0.00s) === RUN TestSplitStanzas --- PASS: TestSplitStanzas (0.00s) === RUN TestParseStanzaNil --- PASS: TestParseStanzaNil (0.00s) === RUN TestParseStanzaSuccess --- PASS: TestParseStanzaSuccess (0.00s) === RUN TestParseAutoStanza --- PASS: TestParseAutoStanza (0.00s) === RUN TestParseBondStanzaNoSlaves --- PASS: TestParseBondStanzaNoSlaves (0.00s) === RUN TestParseBondStanza --- PASS: TestParseBondStanza (0.00s) === RUN TestParsePhysicalStanza --- PASS: TestParsePhysicalStanza (0.00s) === RUN TestParseVLANStanzas --- PASS: TestParseVLANStanzas (0.00s) === RUN TestParseInterfaceStanzaStaticAddress --- PASS: TestParseInterfaceStanzaStaticAddress (0.00s) === RUN TestParseInterfaceStanzaStaticGateway --- PASS: TestParseInterfaceStanzaStaticGateway (0.00s) === RUN TestParseInterfaceStanzaStaticDNS --- PASS: TestParseInterfaceStanzaStaticDNS (0.00s) === RUN TestBadParseInterfaceStanzasStaticPostUp --- PASS: TestBadParseInterfaceStanzasStaticPostUp (0.00s) === RUN TestParseInterfaceStanzaStaticPostUp --- PASS: TestParseInterfaceStanzaStaticPostUp (0.00s) === RUN TestParseInterfaceStanzaLoopback --- PASS: TestParseInterfaceStanzaLoopback (0.00s) === RUN TestParseInterfaceStanzaManual --- PASS: TestParseInterfaceStanzaManual (0.00s) === RUN TestParseInterfaceStanzaDHCP --- PASS: TestParseInterfaceStanzaDHCP (0.00s) === RUN TestParseInterfaceStanzaPostUpOption --- PASS: TestParseInterfaceStanzaPostUpOption (0.00s) === RUN TestParseInterfaceStanzaPreDownOption --- PASS: TestParseInterfaceStanzaPreDownOption (0.00s) === RUN TestParseInterfaceStanzaEmptyOption --- PASS: TestParseInterfaceStanzaEmptyOption (0.00s) === RUN TestParseInterfaceStanzaOptions --- PASS: TestParseInterfaceStanzaOptions (0.00s) === RUN TestParseInterfaceStanzaHwaddress --- PASS: TestParseInterfaceStanzaHwaddress (0.00s) === RUN TestParseInterfaceStanzaBond --- PASS: TestParseInterfaceStanzaBond (0.00s) === RUN TestParseInterfaceStanzaVLANName --- PASS: TestParseInterfaceStanzaVLANName (0.00s) === RUN TestParseInterfaceStanzaVLANOption --- PASS: TestParseInterfaceStanzaVLANOption (0.00s) === RUN TestParseStanzasNone --- PASS: TestParseStanzasNone (0.00s) === RUN TestParseStanzas --- PASS: TestParseStanzas (0.00s) === RUN TestProcessVMwareNetconf 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing VMware network config 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing nameservers 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsed 0 nameservers 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing search domains 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsed 0 search domains 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Proccessing interface 0 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing DHCP 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing addresses 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing routes 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing VMware network config 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing nameservers 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsed 0 nameservers 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing search domains 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsed 0 search domains 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Proccessing interface 0 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing DHCP 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing addresses 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing routes 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Proccessing interface 1 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing DHCP 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing addresses 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing routes 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing VMware network config 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing nameservers 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsed 0 nameservers 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing search domains 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsed 0 search domains 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Proccessing interface 0 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing DHCP 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing addresses 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing routes 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing interface 0 MAC address: "00:11:22:33:44:55" 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Proccessing interface 1 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing DHCP 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing addresses 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing routes 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing VMware network config 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing nameservers 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsed 0 nameservers 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing search domains 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsed 0 search domains 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Proccessing interface 0 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing DHCP 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing addresses 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing routes 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing interface 0 name: "eth0" 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Proccessing interface 1 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing DHCP 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing addresses 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing routes 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing VMware network config 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing nameservers 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsed 0 nameservers 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing search domains 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsed 0 search domains 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Proccessing interface 0 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing DHCP 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing addresses 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing routes 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing interface 0 MAC address: "00:11:22:33:44:55" 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Proccessing interface 1 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing DHCP 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing addresses 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing routes 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing VMware network config 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing nameservers 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsed 2 nameservers 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing search domains 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsed 2 search domains 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Proccessing interface 0 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing DHCP 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing addresses 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing routes 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing interface 0 MAC address: "00:11:22:33:44:55" 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Proccessing interface 1 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing DHCP 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing addresses 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing routes 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing interface 1 name: "eth0" 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Proccessing interface 2 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing DHCP 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing addresses 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing routes 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing interface 2 MAC address: "00:11:22:33:44:77" 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Proccessing interface 3 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing DHCP 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing addresses 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing routes 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Processing VMware network config 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Parsing nameservers --- PASS: TestProcessVMwareNetconf (0.01s) === RUN TestProcessAddressConfig --- PASS: TestProcessAddressConfig (0.00s) === RUN TestProcessRouteConfig --- PASS: TestProcessRouteConfig (0.00s) === RUN TestProcessDHCPConfig --- PASS: TestProcessDHCPConfig (0.00s) PASS coverage: 92.8% of statements ok 1.118s coverage: 92.8% of statements === RUN TestExpBackoff --- PASS: TestExpBackoff (0.12s) === RUN TestGetURLExpBackOff 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Fetching data from Attempt #1 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Fetching data from Attempt #1 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Server error. HTTP status code: 500 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Sleeping for 100ms... 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Fetching data from Attempt #2 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Fetching data from Attempt #1 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Server error. HTTP status code: 500 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Sleeping for 100ms... 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Fetching data from Attempt #2 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Server error. HTTP status code: 500 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Sleeping for 200ms... 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Fetching data from Attempt #3 --- PASS: TestGetURLExpBackOff (0.45s) === RUN TestGetURL4xx 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Fetching data from Attempt #1 --- PASS: TestGetURL4xx (0.01s) === RUN TestGetURL2xx 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Fetching data from Attempt #1 --- PASS: TestGetURL2xx (0.02s) === RUN TestGetMalformedURL --- PASS: TestGetMalformedURL (0.00s) PASS coverage: 87.2% of statements ok 1.650s coverage: 87.2% of statements === RUN TestWriteEnvFileUpdate 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Writing file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-997920474/foo.conf" 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Wrote file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-997920474/foo.conf" --- PASS: TestWriteEnvFileUpdate (0.00s) === RUN TestWriteEnvFileUpdateNoNewline 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Writing file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-995206428/foo.conf" 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Wrote file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-995206428/foo.conf" --- PASS: TestWriteEnvFileUpdateNoNewline (0.00s) === RUN TestWriteEnvFileCreate 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Writing file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-875686062/foo.conf" 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Wrote file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-875686062/foo.conf" --- PASS: TestWriteEnvFileCreate (0.00s) === RUN TestWriteEnvFileNoop --- PASS: TestWriteEnvFileNoop (0.00s) === RUN TestWriteEnvFileUpdateDos 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Writing file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-988159023/foo.conf" 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Wrote file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-988159023/foo.conf" --- PASS: TestWriteEnvFileUpdateDos (0.00s) === RUN TestWriteEnvFileDos2Unix 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Writing file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-751712313/foo.conf" 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Wrote file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-751712313/foo.conf" --- PASS: TestWriteEnvFileDos2Unix (0.00s) === RUN TestWriteEnvFileEmpty --- PASS: TestWriteEnvFileEmpty (0.00s) === RUN TestWriteEnvFileEmptyNoCreate --- PASS: TestWriteEnvFileEmptyNoCreate (0.00s) === RUN TestWriteEnvFileNameFailure --- PASS: TestWriteEnvFileNameFailure (0.00s) === RUN TestServiceContents --- PASS: TestServiceContents (0.00s) === RUN TestEtcdHostsFile --- PASS: TestEtcdHostsFile (0.00s) === RUN TestEtcdUnits --- PASS: TestEtcdUnits (0.00s) === RUN TestWriteFileUnencodedContent 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Writing file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-352399800/foo" 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Wrote file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-352399800/foo" --- PASS: TestWriteFileUnencodedContent (0.00s) === RUN TestWriteFileInvalidPermission 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Writing file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-620721578/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-620721578/tmp/foo" --- PASS: TestWriteFileInvalidPermission (0.00s) === RUN TestDecimalFilePermissions 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Writing file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-675864321/foo" 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Wrote file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-675864321/foo" --- PASS: TestDecimalFilePermissions (0.00s) === RUN TestWriteFilePermissions 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Writing file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-412030683/foo" 2018/03/28 03:39:06 Wrote file to "/tmp/coreos-cloudinit-412030683/foo" --- PASS: TestWriteFilePermissions (0.00s) === RUN TestWriteFileInvalidEncodedContent --- PASS: TestWriteFileInvalidEncodedContent (0.00s) === RUN TestWriteFileUnknownEncodedContent --- PASS: TestWriteFileUnknownEncodedContent (0.00s) === RUN TestFlannelEnvVars --- PASS: TestFlannelEnvVars (0.00s) === RUN TestFlannelFile --- PASS: TestFlannelFile (0.00s) === RUN TestFleetUnits --- PASS: TestFleetUnits (0.00s) === RUN TestLocksmithUnits --- PASS: TestLocksmithUnits (0.00s) === RUN TestOEMFile --- PASS: TestOEMFile (0.00s) === RUN TestType --- PASS: TestType (0.00s) === RUN TestGroup --- PASS: TestGroup (0.00s) === RUN TestDestination --- PASS: TestDestination (0.00s) === RUN TestDropInDestination --- PASS: TestDropInDestination (0.00s) === RUN TestUpdateUnits --- PASS: TestUpdateUnits (0.00s) === RUN TestUpdateFile --- PASS: TestUpdateFile (0.01s) PASS coverage: 62.9% of statements ok 1.100s coverage: 62.9% of statements ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] ? [no test files] === RUN TestConvertMergesLeftIntoRight --- PASS: TestConvertMergesLeftIntoRight (0.00s) === RUN TestMapCopy --- PASS: TestMapCopy (0.00s) === RUN TestSliceCopy --- PASS: TestSliceCopy (0.00s) === RUN TestMerge --- PASS: TestMerge (0.00s) === RUN TestCmdLineStr --- PASS: TestCmdLineStr (0.00s) PASS coverage: 11.1% of statements ok 1.063s coverage: 11.1% of statements testing: warning: no tests to run PASS coverage: 0.0% of statements ok 1.069s coverage: 0.0% of statements [no tests to run] + echo VALIDATE VALIDATE + ./scripts/validate Running validation Running: go vet Running: golint Running: go fmt + echo PREPARE PREPARE + ./scripts/prepare ++ dirname ./scripts/prepare + source ./scripts/version +++ git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no ++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ git rev-parse --short HEAD ++ COMMIT=4fb7f8e +++ git tag -l --contains HEAD +++ head -n 1 ++ GIT_TAG=v1.3.0 ++ '[' -z v1.3.0 ']' ++ INITRD=initrd-v1.3.0 ++ export VERSION COMMIT INITRD ++ export SUFFIX= ++ SUFFIX= ++ '[' -n amd64 ']' ++ '[' amd64 '!=' amd64 ']' ++ echo ' Building v1.3.0 from 4fb7f8e on amd64' Building v1.3.0 from 4fb7f8e on amd64 ++ dirname ./scripts/prepare + cd ./scripts + '[' '!' -e ../bin/host_ros ']' + ./template Building v1.3.0 from 4fb7f8e on amd64 + ./build-images + export ARCH=amd64 + ARCH=amd64 + BASE=images ++ dirname ./build-images + source ./version +++ git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no ++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ git rev-parse --short HEAD ++ COMMIT=4fb7f8e +++ git tag -l --contains HEAD +++ head -n 1 ++ GIT_TAG=v1.3.0 ++ '[' -z v1.3.0 ']' ++ INITRD=initrd-v1.3.0 ++ export VERSION COMMIT INITRD ++ export SUFFIX= ++ SUFFIX= ++ '[' -n amd64 ']' ++ '[' amd64 '!=' amd64 ']' ++ echo ' Building v1.3.0 from 4fb7f8e on amd64' Building v1.3.0 from 4fb7f8e on amd64 ++ dirname ./build-images + cd ./.. + mkdir -p dist + rm -f dist/images + touch dist/images + for i in '$BASE/[0-9]*' ++ echo images/00-rootfs ++ cut -f2 -d- + name=os-rootfs + tag=rancher/os-rootfs:v1.3.0 + echo 'build-image: Building rancher/os-rootfs:v1.3.0' build-image: Building rancher/os-rootfs:v1.3.0 + '[' -x images/00-rootfs/ ']' + images/00-rootfs/ + dapper -d --build -f images/00-rootfs/Dockerfile -- -t rancher/os-rootfs images/00-rootfs DEBU[0000] Running /usr/bin/docker [build -f images/00-rootfs/Dockerfile -t rancher/os-rootfs images/00-rootfs] Sending build context to Docker daemon 557.1 kB Sending build context to Docker daemon 1.114 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 1.671 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.228 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.785 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.342 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.899 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.456 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.014 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.571 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.128 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.685 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 7.242 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 7.799 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 8.356 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 8.913 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 9.47 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 10.03 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 10.58 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 11.14 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 11.7 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 12.26 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 12.81 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 13.37 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 13.93 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 14.48 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 15.04 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 15.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 16.15 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 16.71 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 17.27 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 17.83 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 18.38 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 18.94 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 19.5 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 20.05 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 20.61 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 21.17 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 21.73 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 22.28 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 22.84 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 23.4 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 23.95 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 24.51 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.07 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.62 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 26.18 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 26.74 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 27.3 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 27.85 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 28.41 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 28.97 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 29.52 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 30.08 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 30.64 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 31.2 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 31.75 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 32.31 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 32.87 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 33.42 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 33.98 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 34.54 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 35.09 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 35.65 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 36.21 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 36.77 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 36.86 MB Step 1/2 : FROM scratch ---> Step 2/2 : ADD build/rootfs.tar / ---> 0e09586c5e8a Successfully built 0e09586c5e8a Successfully tagged rancher/os-rootfs:latest + docker tag rancher/os-rootfs rancher/os-rootfs:v1.3.0 + echo rancher/os-rootfs:v1.3.0 + for i in '$BASE/[0-9]*' ++ echo images/01-base ++ cut -f2 -d- + name=os-base + tag=rancher/os-base:v1.3.0 + echo 'build-image: Building rancher/os-base:v1.3.0' build-image: Building rancher/os-base:v1.3.0 + '[' -x images/01-base/ ']' + dapper -d --build -f images/01-base/Dockerfile -- -t rancher/os-base images/01-base DEBU[0000] Running /usr/bin/docker [build -f images/01-base/Dockerfile -t rancher/os-base images/01-base] Sending build context to Docker daemon 33.28 kB Step 1/11 : FROM rancher/os-rootfs ---> 0e09586c5e8a Step 2/11 : RUN ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules ---> Running in 1dbeb146298e ---> 0bc4dd4b747a Removing intermediate container 1dbeb146298e Step 3/11 : RUN rm /sbin/poweroff /sbin/reboot /sbin/halt && sed -i '/^root/s!/bin/sh!/bin/bash!' /etc/passwd && echo 'RancherOS \n \l' > /etc/issue && rm -rf /run /linuxrc /etc/os-release /var/cache /var/lock /var/log /var/run /var/spool /var/lib/misc && mkdir -p /home /run /var/cache /var/lock /var/log /var/run /var/spool && passwd -l root && addgroup -g 1100 rancher && addgroup -g 1101 docker && addgroup -g 1103 sudo && adduser -u 1100 -G rancher -D -h /home/rancher -s /bin/bash rancher && adduser -u 1101 -G docker -D -h /home/docker -s /bin/bash docker && adduser rancher docker && adduser rancher sudo && adduser docker sudo && echo '%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL' >> /etc/sudoers ---> Running in 0dc162eafa7d passwd: password for root changed by root  ---> fa02f6ad25e9 Removing intermediate container 0dc162eafa7d Step 4/11 : COPY inputrc /etc/inputrc ---> 94c89d7c1d85 Step 5/11 : COPY growpart /usr/bin/growpart ---> b9a16165cfdc Step 6/11 : COPY /bin/ ---> 15b4b0a5e367 Step 7/11 : COPY dhcpcd/dhcpcd.enter-hook /etc/dhcpcd.enter-hook ---> 2a005b034f5c Step 8/11 : COPY dhcpcd/10-mtu /lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-hooks/ ---> 8d30c3829999 Step 9/11 : COPY dhcpcd/dhcpcd.debug /usr/share/logrotate/logrotate.d/ ---> 4fe8dd6fa340 Step 10/11 : RUN sed -i s/"partx --update \"\$part\" \"\$dev\""/"partx --update --nr \"\$part\" \"\$dev\""/g /usr/bin/growpart && sed -i -e 's/duid/clientid/g' /etc/dhcpcd.conf && sed -i 1,10d /etc/rsyslog.conf && echo "*.* /var/log/syslog" >> /etc/rsyslog.conf ---> Running in 1811be673e53 ---> 5fedeafeaff9 Removing intermediate container 1811be673e53 Step 11/11 : ENTRYPOINT /usr/bin/ros entrypoint ---> Running in 19284e8e0ccc ---> 41d5dcfd3d62 Removing intermediate container 19284e8e0ccc Successfully built 41d5dcfd3d62 Successfully tagged rancher/os-base:latest + docker tag rancher/os-base rancher/os-base:v1.3.0 + echo rancher/os-base:v1.3.0 + for i in '$BASE/[0-9]*' ++ echo images/02-acpid ++ cut -f2 -d- + name=os-acpid + tag=rancher/os-acpid:v1.3.0 + echo 'build-image: Building rancher/os-acpid:v1.3.0' build-image: Building rancher/os-acpid:v1.3.0 + '[' -x images/02-acpid/ ']' + dapper -d --build -f images/02-acpid/Dockerfile -- -t rancher/os-acpid images/02-acpid DEBU[0000] Running /usr/bin/docker [build -f images/02-acpid/Dockerfile -t rancher/os-acpid images/02-acpid] Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.096 kB Step 1/3 : FROM rancher/os-base ---> 41d5dcfd3d62 Step 2/3 : COPY lid /etc/acpi/events/ ---> 1a1592946694 Step 3/3 : COPY /etc/acpi/ ---> 7f861945c0b5 Successfully built 7f861945c0b5 Successfully tagged rancher/os-acpid:latest + docker tag rancher/os-acpid rancher/os-acpid:v1.3.0 + echo rancher/os-acpid:v1.3.0 + for i in '$BASE/[0-9]*' ++ echo images/02-bootstrap ++ cut -f2 -d- + name=os-bootstrap + tag=rancher/os-bootstrap:v1.3.0 + echo 'build-image: Building rancher/os-bootstrap:v1.3.0' build-image: Building rancher/os-bootstrap:v1.3.0 + '[' -x images/02-bootstrap/ ']' + dapper -d --build -f images/02-bootstrap/Dockerfile -- -t rancher/os-bootstrap images/02-bootstrap DEBU[0000] Running /usr/bin/docker [build -f images/02-bootstrap/Dockerfile -t rancher/os-bootstrap images/02-bootstrap] Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.632 kB Step 1/3 : FROM rancher/os-base ---> 41d5dcfd3d62 Step 2/3 : COPY /usr/sbin/ ---> c85fc25a318f Step 3/3 : COPY od-1m0 / ---> e751225eff33 Successfully built e751225eff33 Successfully tagged rancher/os-bootstrap:latest + docker tag rancher/os-bootstrap rancher/os-bootstrap:v1.3.0 + echo rancher/os-bootstrap:v1.3.0 + for i in '$BASE/[0-9]*' ++ echo images/02-console ++ cut -f2 -d- + name=os-console + tag=rancher/os-console:v1.3.0 + echo 'build-image: Building rancher/os-console:v1.3.0' build-image: Building rancher/os-console:v1.3.0 + '[' -x images/02-console/ ']' + images/02-console/ + dapper -d --build -f images/02-console/Dockerfile -- -t rancher/os-console images/02-console DEBU[0000] Running /usr/bin/docker [build -f images/02-console/Dockerfile -t rancher/os-console images/02-console] Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.144 kB Step 1/4 : FROM rancher/os-base ---> 41d5dcfd3d62 Step 2/4 : COPY build/lsb-release /etc/ ---> 299be9cfe94b Step 3/4 : RUN sed -i 's/rancher:!/rancher:*/g' /etc/shadow && sed -i 's/docker:!/docker:*/g' /etc/shadow && sed -i 's/#ClientAliveInterval 0/ClientAliveInterval 180/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config && echo '## allow password less for rancher user' >> /etc/sudoers && echo 'rancher ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers && echo '## allow password less for docker user' >> /etc/sudoers && echo 'docker ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers ---> Running in 127795e312e7 ---> 1e81c0afe150 Removing intermediate container 127795e312e7 Step 4/4 : COPY /etc/profile.d/ ---> 8ad8ec1d041b Successfully built 8ad8ec1d041b Successfully tagged rancher/os-console:latest + docker tag rancher/os-console rancher/os-console:v1.3.0 + echo rancher/os-console:v1.3.0 + for i in '$BASE/[0-9]*' ++ echo images/02-logrotate ++ cut -f2 -d- + name=os-logrotate + tag=rancher/os-logrotate:v1.3.0 + echo 'build-image: Building rancher/os-logrotate:v1.3.0' build-image: Building rancher/os-logrotate:v1.3.0 + '[' -x images/02-logrotate/ ']' + dapper -d --build -f images/02-logrotate/Dockerfile -- -t rancher/os-logrotate images/02-logrotate DEBU[0000] Running /usr/bin/docker [build -f images/02-logrotate/Dockerfile -t rancher/os-logrotate images/02-logrotate] Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.632 kB Step 1/5 : FROM rancher/os-base ---> 41d5dcfd3d62 Step 2/5 : COPY logrotate.d/ /usr/share/logrotate/logrotate.d/ ---> ead1948f486b Step 3/5 : COPY logrotate.conf /etc/logrotate.conf ---> 87fedbdc6527 Step 4/5 : COPY /usr/bin/ ---> 5650f5bab49b Step 5/5 : ENTRYPOINT /usr/bin/ ---> Running in b8ec8f036dec ---> 968c9edcc26c Removing intermediate container b8ec8f036dec Successfully built 968c9edcc26c Successfully tagged rancher/os-logrotate:latest + docker tag rancher/os-logrotate rancher/os-logrotate:v1.3.0 + echo rancher/os-logrotate:v1.3.0 + for i in '$BASE/[0-9]*' ++ echo images/02-syslog ++ cut -f2 -d- + name=os-syslog + tag=rancher/os-syslog:v1.3.0 + echo 'build-image: Building rancher/os-syslog:v1.3.0' build-image: Building rancher/os-syslog:v1.3.0 + '[' -x images/02-syslog/ ']' + dapper -d --build -f images/02-syslog/Dockerfile -- -t rancher/os-syslog images/02-syslog DEBU[0000] Running /usr/bin/docker [build -f images/02-syslog/Dockerfile -t rancher/os-syslog images/02-syslog] Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.608 kB Step 1/4 : FROM rancher/os-base ---> 41d5dcfd3d62 Step 2/4 : COPY logrotate.d/ /usr/share/logrotate/logrotate.d/ ---> e5b76018e517 Step 3/4 : COPY /usr/bin/ ---> 4a7746624cce Step 4/4 : ENTRYPOINT /usr/bin/ ---> Running in 6b89a359dbff ---> 5dc90722d508 Removing intermediate container 6b89a359dbff Successfully built 5dc90722d508 Successfully tagged rancher/os-syslog:latest + docker tag rancher/os-syslog rancher/os-syslog:v1.3.0 + echo rancher/os-syslog:v1.3.0 + echo 'build-image: DONE' build-image: DONE + ./tar-images ++ dirname ./tar-images + cd ./.. ++ bin/host_ros c images -i build/initrd/usr/share/ros/os-config.yml + IMAGES='rancher/container-crontab:v0.4.0 rancher/os-acpid:v1.3.0 rancher/os-base:v1.3.0 rancher/os-bootstrap:v1.3.0 rancher/os-console:v1.3.0 rancher/os-docker:17.09.1 rancher/os-logrotate:v1.3.0 rancher/os-syslog:v1.3.0' + echo 'tar-image: IMAGES=rancher/container-crontab:v0.4.0 rancher/os-acpid:v1.3.0 rancher/os-base:v1.3.0 rancher/os-bootstrap:v1.3.0 rancher/os-console:v1.3.0 rancher/os-docker:17.09.1 rancher/os-logrotate:v1.3.0 rancher/os-syslog:v1.3.0' tar-image: IMAGES=rancher/container-crontab:v0.4.0 rancher/os-acpid:v1.3.0 rancher/os-base:v1.3.0 rancher/os-bootstrap:v1.3.0 rancher/os-console:v1.3.0 rancher/os-docker:17.09.1 rancher/os-logrotate:v1.3.0 rancher/os-syslog:v1.3.0 + for i in '$IMAGES' + echo 'tar-image: pull(rancher/container-crontab:v0.4.0)' tar-image: pull(rancher/container-crontab:v0.4.0) + '[' '' = 1 ']' + docker inspect rancher/container-crontab:v0.4.0 + docker pull rancher/container-crontab:v0.4.0 v0.4.0: Pulling from rancher/container-crontab   81033e7c1d6a: Pulling fs layer   da11bc6ddba2: Pulling fs layer  81033e7c1d6a: Downloading 32.27 kB/2.388 MB  81033e7c1d6a: Verifying Checksum  81033e7c1d6a: Download complete  81033e7c1d6a: Extracting 32.77 kB/2.388 MB  da11bc6ddba2: Downloading 41.72 kB/3.017 MB  da11bc6ddba2: Downloading 2.244 MB/3.017 MB  81033e7c1d6a: Extracting 98.3 kB/2.388 MB  da11bc6ddba2: Verifying Checksum  da11bc6ddba2: Download complete  81033e7c1d6a: Extracting 557.1 kB/2.388 MB  81033e7c1d6a: Extracting 1.049 MB/2.388 MB  81033e7c1d6a: Extracting 1.54 MB/2.388 MB  81033e7c1d6a: Extracting 2.097 MB/2.388 MB  81033e7c1d6a: Extracting 2.359 MB/2.388 MB  81033e7c1d6a: Extracting 2.388 MB/2.388 MB  81033e7c1d6a: Extracting 2.388 MB/2.388 MB  81033e7c1d6a: Pull complete  da11bc6ddba2: Extracting 32.77 kB/3.017 MB  da11bc6ddba2: Extracting 98.3 kB/3.017 MB  da11bc6ddba2: Extracting 524.3 kB/3.017 MB  da11bc6ddba2: Extracting 950.3 kB/3.017 MB  da11bc6ddba2: Extracting 1.376 MB/3.017 MB  da11bc6ddba2: Extracting 1.835 MB/3.017 MB  da11bc6ddba2: Extracting 2.228 MB/3.017 MB  da11bc6ddba2: Extracting 2.687 MB/3.017 MB  da11bc6ddba2: Extracting 3.017 MB/3.017 MB  da11bc6ddba2: Pull complete Digest: sha256:e504ce501f924a0affd36d0e299ba3e717b024735b8aca1377182cfb87d6967e Status: Downloaded newer image for rancher/container-crontab:v0.4.0 + for i in '$IMAGES' + echo 'tar-image: pull(rancher/os-acpid:v1.3.0)' tar-image: pull(rancher/os-acpid:v1.3.0) + '[' '' = 1 ']' + docker inspect rancher/os-acpid:v1.3.0 + for i in '$IMAGES' + echo 'tar-image: pull(rancher/os-base:v1.3.0)' tar-image: pull(rancher/os-base:v1.3.0) + '[' '' = 1 ']' + docker inspect rancher/os-base:v1.3.0 + for i in '$IMAGES' + echo 'tar-image: pull(rancher/os-bootstrap:v1.3.0)' tar-image: pull(rancher/os-bootstrap:v1.3.0) + '[' '' = 1 ']' + docker inspect rancher/os-bootstrap:v1.3.0 + for i in '$IMAGES' + echo 'tar-image: pull(rancher/os-console:v1.3.0)' tar-image: pull(rancher/os-console:v1.3.0) + '[' '' = 1 ']' + docker inspect rancher/os-console:v1.3.0 + for i in '$IMAGES' + echo 'tar-image: pull(rancher/os-docker:17.09.1)' tar-image: pull(rancher/os-docker:17.09.1) + '[' '' = 1 ']' + docker inspect rancher/os-docker:17.09.1 + docker pull rancher/os-docker:17.09.1 17.09.1: Pulling from rancher/os-docker   6abac7d65538: Pulling fs layer  6abac7d65538: Downloading 310.4 kB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Downloading 3.115 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Downloading 6.233 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Downloading 9.355 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Downloading 12.48 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Downloading 15.32 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Downloading 18.12 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Downloading 21.23 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Downloading 24.37 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Downloading 27.2 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Downloading 30.03 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Verifying Checksum  6abac7d65538: Download complete  6abac7d65538: Extracting 327.7 kB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 983 kB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 1.638 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 2.294 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 2.949 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 3.604 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 4.26 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 4.915 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 5.571 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 5.898 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 6.226 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 6.881 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 7.537 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 8.192 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 8.847 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 9.503 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 10.16 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 10.81 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 11.47 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 12.12 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 12.78 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 13.43 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 14.09 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 14.75 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 15.4 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 16.06 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 16.71 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 17.37 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 18.02 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 18.68 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 19.33 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 19.99 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 20.64 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 21.3 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 21.95 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 22.61 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 23.27 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 23.92 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 24.58 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 25.23 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 25.89 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 26.54 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 27.2 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 27.85 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 28.51 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 29.16 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 29.82 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 30.47 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Extracting 30.68 MB/30.68 MB  6abac7d65538: Pull complete Digest: sha256:dcf472bfbfa9330a39972b2e17b409c90e9bf94b2ab6aaff22f8f368132718bc Status: Downloaded newer image for rancher/os-docker:17.09.1 + for i in '$IMAGES' + echo 'tar-image: pull(rancher/os-logrotate:v1.3.0)' tar-image: pull(rancher/os-logrotate:v1.3.0) + '[' '' = 1 ']' + docker inspect rancher/os-logrotate:v1.3.0 + for i in '$IMAGES' + echo 'tar-image: pull(rancher/os-syslog:v1.3.0)' tar-image: pull(rancher/os-syslog:v1.3.0) + '[' '' = 1 ']' + docker inspect rancher/os-syslog:v1.3.0 + echo 'tar-images: docker save rancher/container-crontab:v0.4.0 rancher/os-acpid:v1.3.0 rancher/os-base:v1.3.0 rancher/os-bootstrap:v1.3.0 rancher/os-console:v1.3.0 rancher/os-docker:17.09.1 rancher/os-logrotate:v1.3.0 rancher/os-syslog:v1.3.0 > build/images.tar' tar-images: docker save rancher/container-crontab:v0.4.0 rancher/os-acpid:v1.3.0 rancher/os-base:v1.3.0 rancher/os-bootstrap:v1.3.0 rancher/os-console:v1.3.0 rancher/os-docker:17.09.1 rancher/os-logrotate:v1.3.0 rancher/os-syslog:v1.3.0 > build/images.tar + docker save rancher/container-crontab:v0.4.0 rancher/os-acpid:v1.3.0 rancher/os-base:v1.3.0 rancher/os-bootstrap:v1.3.0 rancher/os-console:v1.3.0 rancher/os-docker:17.09.1 rancher/os-logrotate:v1.3.0 rancher/os-syslog:v1.3.0 + xz + echo 'tar-images: DONE' tar-images: DONE + ./layout Building v1.3.0 from 4fb7f8e on amd64 Create initrd layout in build/initrd Building v1.3.0 from 4fb7f8e on amd64 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 618 0 618 0 0 420 0 --:--:-- 0:00:01 --:--:-- 420 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:01 --:--:-- 0 0 22.7M 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:02 --:--:-- 0docker/system-docker-containerd 0 22.7M 0 86593 0 0 22710 0 0:17:28 0:00:03 0:17:25 42426 1 22.7M 1 288k 0 0 62912 0 0:06:18 0:00:04 0:06:14 98k 3 22.7M 3 815k 0 0 141k 0 0:02:44 0:00:05 0:02:39 204k 8 22.7M 8 2022k 0 0 302k 0 0:01:16 0:00:06 0:01:10 411kdocker/system-docker-runc 16 22.7M 16 3807k 0 0 494k 0 0:00:47 0:00:07 0:00:40 798kdocker/system-docker-containerd-shim 30 22.7M 30 7160k 0 0 817k 0 0:00:28 0:00:08 0:00:20 1431kdocker/system-dockerd 50 22.7M 50 11.5M 0 0 1224k 0 0:00:18 0:00:09 0:00:09 2320kdocker/system-docker-init docker/system-docker-proxy 68 22.7M 68 15.5M 0 0 1492k 0 0:00:15 0:00:10 0:00:05 3064kdocker/system-docker-containerd-ctr 79 22.7M 79 18.1M 0 0 1591k 0 0:00:14 0:00:11 0:00:03 3317kdocker/system-docker 100 22.7M 100 22.7M 0 0 1838k 0 0:00:12 0:00:12 --:--:-- 3926k /go/src/ /go/src/ Sending build context to Docker daemon 557.1 kB Sending build context to Docker daemon 1.114 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 1.671 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.228 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.785 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.342 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.899 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.456 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.014 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.571 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.128 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.685 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 7.242 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 7.799 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 8.356 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 8.913 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 9.47 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 10.03 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 10.58 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 11.14 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 11.7 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 12.26 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 12.81 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 13.37 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 13.93 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 14.48 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 15.04 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 15.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 16.15 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 16.71 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 17.27 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 17.83 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 18.38 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 18.94 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 19.5 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 20.05 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 20.61 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 21.17 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 21.73 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 22.28 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 22.84 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 23.4 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 23.95 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 24.51 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.07 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.62 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 26.18 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 26.74 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 27.3 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 27.85 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 28.41 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 28.97 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 29.52 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 30.08 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 30.64 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 31.2 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 31.75 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 32.31 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 32.87 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 33.42 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 33.98 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 34.54 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 35.09 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 35.65 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 36.21 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 36.77 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 37.32 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 37.88 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 38.44 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 38.99 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 39.55 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 40.11 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 40.67 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 41.22 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 41.78 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 42.34 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 42.89 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 43.45 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 44.01 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 44.56 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 45.12 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 45.68 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 46.24 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 46.79 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 47.35 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 47.91 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 48.46 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 49.02 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 49.58 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 50.14 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 50.69 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 51.25 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 51.81 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 52.36 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 52.92 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 53.48 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 54.03 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 54.59 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 55.15 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 55.71 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 56.26 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 56.82 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 57.38 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 57.93 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 58.49 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 59.05 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 59.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 60.16 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 60.72 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 61.28 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 61.83 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 62.39 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 62.95 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 63.5 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 64.06 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 64.62 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 65.18 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 65.73 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 66.29 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 66.85 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 67.4 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 67.96 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 68.52 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 69.07 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 69.63 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 70.19 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 70.75 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 71.3 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 71.86 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 72.42 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 72.97 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 73.53 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 74.09 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 74.65 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 75.2 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 75.76 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 76.32 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 76.87 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 77.43 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 77.99 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 78.54 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 79.1 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 79.66 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 80.22 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 80.77 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 81.33 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 81.89 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 82.44 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 83 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 83.56 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 84.12 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 84.67 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 85.23 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 85.79 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 86.34 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 86.9 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 87.46 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 88.01 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 88.57 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 89.13 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 89.69 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 90.24 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 90.8 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 91.36 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 91.91 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 92.47 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 93.03 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 93.59 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 94.14 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 94.7 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 95.26 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 95.81 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 96.37 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 96.93 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 97.48 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 98.04 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 98.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 99.16 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 99.71 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 100.3 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 100.8 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 101.4 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 101.9 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 102.5 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 103.1 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 103.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 104.2 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 104.7 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 105.3 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 105.8 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 106.4 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 107 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 107.5 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 108.1 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 108.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 109.2 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 109.7 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 110.3 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 110.9 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 111.4 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 112 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 112.5 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 113.1 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 113.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 114.2 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 114.8 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 115.3 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 115.9 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 116.4 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 117 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 117.5 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 118.1 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 118.7 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 119.2 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 119.8 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 120.3 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 120.9 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 121.4 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 122 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 122.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 123.1 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 123.7 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 124.2 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 124.8 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 125.3 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 125.9 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 126.5 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 127 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 127.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 128.1 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 128.7 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 129.2 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 129.8 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 130.4 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 130.9 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 131.5 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 132 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 132.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 133.1 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 133.7 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 134.3 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 134.8 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 135.4 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 135.9 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 136.5 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 137 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 137.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 138.1 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 138.7 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 139.3 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 139.8 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 140.4 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 140.9 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 141.5 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 142 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 142.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 143.2 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 143.7 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 144.3 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 144.8 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 145.4 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 145.9 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 146.5 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 147.1 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 147.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 148.2 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 148.7 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 149.3 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 149.8 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 150.4 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 151 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 151.5 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 152.1 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 152.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 153.1 MB Step 1/2 : FROM scratch ---> Step 2/2 : COPY initrd/* / ---> e807d784757e Successfully built e807d784757e Successfully tagged rancher/os-initrd:latest /go/src/ Copy build/kernel/boot/vmlinuz-* to /go/src/ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.8M Mar 28 03:45 /go/src/ Unable to find image 'rancher/docker:v1.11.2-2' locally v1.11.2-2: Pulling from rancher/docker 8bbae16ed036: Pulling fs layer 891c4ab53a7d: Pulling fs layer 4219b4febd13: Pulling fs layer c9ce455f8e06: Pulling fs layer c9ce455f8e06: Waiting 891c4ab53a7d: Download complete 4219b4febd13: Verifying Checksum 4219b4febd13: Download complete 8bbae16ed036: Verifying Checksum 8bbae16ed036: Download complete 8bbae16ed036: Pull complete 891c4ab53a7d: Pull complete 4219b4febd13: Pull complete c9ce455f8e06: Verifying Checksum c9ce455f8e06: Download complete c9ce455f8e06: Pull complete Digest: sha256:8031e43407ded17103a01934b6f5b2306623d271d46660671318674e3d9d8a8f Status: Downloaded newer image for rancher/docker:v1.11.2-2 + echo PACKAGE PACKAGE + ./scripts/package Building v1.3.0 from 4fb7f8e on amd64 WARNING: No swap limit support Overlay storage driver is require to prepackage exploded images packaging images.tar instead Building v1.3.0 from 4fb7f8e on amd64 Creating /go/src/ 336398 blocks Done creating /go/src/ Building v1.3.0 from 4fb7f8e on amd64 /go/src/ /go/src/ Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072 kB Step 1/12 : FROM ubuntu:16.04 ---> 0458a4468cbc Step 2/12 : ARG APTPROXY= ---> Using cache ---> f21fa047452d Step 3/12 : RUN echo "Acquire::http { Proxy \"$APTPROXY\"; };" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy && cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy && apt-get update && apt-get install -yq build-essential autoconf libtool gawk alien fakeroot zlib1g-dev uuid-dev libattr1-dev libblkid-dev libselinux-dev libudev-dev libdevmapper-dev module-init-tools parted lsscsi ksh curl git wget ---> Using cache ---> a7533aa8711b Step 4/12 : WORKDIR /source ---> Using cache ---> 0228b56c4735 Step 5/12 : ENV VERSION 2.0.15 ---> Using cache ---> 2f36796a7cc5 Step 6/12 : RUN wget$VERSION.tar.gz && tar zxvf kexec-tools-$VERSION.tar.gz ---> Using cache ---> 876ac5a43388 Step 7/12 : RUN zcat kexec-tools-$VERSION.tar.gz | tar xvf - && cd kexec-tools-$VERSION && sed 's/loff_t/off_t/g' -i vmcore-dmesg/vmcore-dmesg.c && LDFLAGS=-static ./configure && make && make install ---> Using cache ---> f1553d87c17e Step 8/12 : RUN mkdir -p /source/dist && cp -r /usr/local/* /source/dist ---> Using cache ---> 463056687587 Step 9/12 : ENV DAPPER_ENV VERSION DEV_BUILD RUNTEST APTPROXY ---> Using cache ---> 5f1d3e375db1 Step 10/12 : ENV DAPPER_SOURCE /source ---> Using cache ---> 900fce134de9 Step 11/12 : ENV DAPPER_OUTPUT ./dist ---> Using cache ---> 0013aa02d3fd Step 12/12 : CMD true ---> Using cache ---> e1f4d48c7348 Successfully built e1f4d48c7348 Successfully tagged kexec:v1-3-x Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.096 kB Step 1/2 : FROM kexec:v1-3-x ---> e1f4d48c7348 Step 2/2 : COPY . /source/ ---> fd0000102b45 Successfully built fd0000102b45 Successfully tagged kexec:v1-3-x INFO[0002] docker cp /source/dist . /go/src/ mkdir -p /go/src/ Sending build context to Docker daemon 557.1 kB Sending build context to Docker daemon 1.114 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 1.671 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.228 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.785 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.342 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.899 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.456 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.014 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.571 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.128 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.685 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 7.242 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 7.799 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 8.356 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 8.913 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 9.47 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 10.03 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 10.58 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 11.14 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 11.7 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 12.26 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 12.81 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 13.37 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 13.93 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 14.48 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 15.04 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 15.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 16.15 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 16.71 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 17.27 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 17.83 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 18.38 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 18.94 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 19.5 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 20.05 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 20.61 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 21.17 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 21.73 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 22.28 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 22.56 MB Step 1/13 : FROM alpine ---> 3fd9065eaf02 Step 2/13 : ARG VERSION ---> Using cache ---> a39841267eef Step 3/13 : ARG KERNEL_VERSION ---> Using cache ---> 58140acf7662 Step 4/13 : ENV VERSION ${VERSION} ---> Running in a6f5841a9304 ---> c0fd700ed333 Removing intermediate container a6f5841a9304 Step 5/13 : ENV KERNEL_VERSION ${KERNEL_VERSION} ---> Running in b2756d545ab2 ---> 5d4493491e3b Removing intermediate container b2756d545ab2 Step 6/13 : RUN apk --no-cache add syslinux parted e2fsprogs e2fsprogs-extra util-linux ---> Running in 5e6151cf1efe fetch fetch (1/25) Installing libuuid (2.31-r0) (2/25) Installing libblkid (2.31-r0) (3/25) Installing libcom_err (1.43.7-r0) (4/25) Installing e2fsprogs-libs (1.43.7-r0) (5/25) Installing e2fsprogs (1.43.7-r0) (6/25) Installing e2fsprogs-extra (1.43.7-r0) (7/25) Installing device-mapper-libs (2.02.175-r0) (8/25) Installing ncurses-terminfo-base (6.0_p20171125-r0) (9/25) Installing ncurses-terminfo (6.0_p20171125-r0) (10/25) Installing ncurses-libs (6.0_p20171125-r0) (11/25) Installing readline (7.0.003-r0) (12/25) Installing parted (3.2-r6) (13/25) Installing mtools (4.0.18-r2) (14/25) Installing blkid (2.31-r0) (15/25) Installing lddtree (1.26-r1) (16/25) Installing cryptsetup-libs (1.7.5-r1) (17/25) Installing xz-libs (5.2.3-r1) (18/25) Installing kmod (24-r0) (19/25) Installing mkinitfs (3.2.0-r2) Executing (20/25) Installing syslinux (6.04_pre1-r1) (21/25) Installing libmount (2.31-r0) (22/25) Installing libsmartcols (2.31-r0) (23/25) Installing findmnt (2.31-r0) (24/25) Installing libfdisk (2.31-r0) (25/25) Installing util-linux (2.31-r0) Executing busybox-1.27.2-r7.trigger OK: 23 MiB in 36 packages ---> 52b00be599b8 Removing intermediate container 5e6151cf1efe Step 7/13 : COPY conf /scripts/ ---> 74aecc090cab Step 8/13 : COPY ./build/ros /bin/ ---> be8367e2afee Step 9/13 : COPY kexec/dist/sbin/kexec /sbin/ ---> 37228e985770 Step 10/13 : RUN ln -s /bootiso/boot/ /dist ---> Running in 8a67e46be330 ---> 4190f49856bd Removing intermediate container 8a67e46be330 Step 11/13 : RUN echo "#!/bin/sh" > /scripts/set-disk-partitions && echo "echo 'set-disk-partitions deprecated'" >> /scripts/set-disk-partitions && chmod 755 /scripts/set-disk-partitions ---> Running in 18f592f969e0 ---> 11386399c14e Removing intermediate container 18f592f969e0 Step 12/13 : RUN rm -rf /sbin/poweroff /sbin/shutdown /sbin/reboot /sbin/halt /usr/sbin/poweroff /usr/sbin/shutdown /usr/sbin/reboot /usr/sbin/halt ---> Running in 116d45d3a3a9 ---> eb527b399c4a Removing intermediate container 116d45d3a3a9 Step 13/13 : ENTRYPOINT /bin/ros install ---> Running in cd213ac826f8 ---> fb48d278ceee Removing intermediate container cd213ac826f8 Successfully built fb48d278ceee Successfully tagged rancher/os-installer:latest Sending build context to Docker daemon 557.1 kB Sending build context to Docker daemon 1.114 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 1.671 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.228 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.785 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.342 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.899 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.456 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.014 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.571 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.128 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.685 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 7.242 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 7.799 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 8.356 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 8.913 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 9.47 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 10.03 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 10.58 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 11.14 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 11.7 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 12.26 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 12.81 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 13.37 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 13.93 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 14.48 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 15.04 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 15.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 16.15 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 16.71 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 17.27 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 17.83 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 18.38 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 18.94 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 19.5 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 20.05 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 20.61 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 21.17 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 21.73 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 22.28 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 22.84 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 23.4 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 23.95 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 24.51 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.07 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.62 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 26.18 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 26.74 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 27.3 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 27.85 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 28.41 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 28.97 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 29.52 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 30.08 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 30.64 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 31.2 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 31.75 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 32.31 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 32.87 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 33.42 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 33.98 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 34.54 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 35.09 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 35.65 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 36.21 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 36.77 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 37.32 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 37.88 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 38.44 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 38.99 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 39.55 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 40.11 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 40.67 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 41.22 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 41.78 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 42.34 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 42.89 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 43.45 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 44.01 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 44.56 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 45.12 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 45.68 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 46.24 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 46.79 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 47.35 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 47.91 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 48.46 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 49.02 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 49.58 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 50.14 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 50.69 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 51.25 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 51.81 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 52.36 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 52.92 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 53.48 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 54.03 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 54.59 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 55.15 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 55.71 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 56.26 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 56.82 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 57.38 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 57.93 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 58.49 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 59.05 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 59.6 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 60.16 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 60.72 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 61.28 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 61.83 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 62.39 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 62.95 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 63.5 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 64.06 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 64.62 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 65.18 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 65.73 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 66.29 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 66.85 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 67.4 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 67.96 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 68.52 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 69.07 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 69.63 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 70.19 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 70.75 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 71.3 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 71.86 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 72.42 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 72.97 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 73.53 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 74.09 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 74.65 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 75.2 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 75.76 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 76.32 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 76.87 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 77.43 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 77.99 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 78.54 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 79.1 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 79.66 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 80.22 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 80.77 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 81.33 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 81.89 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 82.44 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 83 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 83.56 MB Sending build context to Docker daemon 84.06 MB Step 1/3 : FROM rancher/os-installer ---> fb48d278ceee Step 2/3 : RUN rm /dist/ && mkdir -p /dist/ ---> Running in a49e3bf41494 ---> 0ffb49fb1896 Removing intermediate container a49e3bf41494 Step 3/3 : COPY ./boot/ /dist/ ---> 2d93153d1857 Successfully built 2d93153d1857 Successfully tagged rancher/os:latest Built rancher/os:v1.3.0 ++ dirname ./package-iso + source ./version +++ git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no ++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ git rev-parse --short HEAD ++ COMMIT=4fb7f8e +++ git tag -l --contains HEAD +++ head -n 1 ++ GIT_TAG=v1.3.0 ++ '[' -z v1.3.0 ']' ++ INITRD=initrd-v1.3.0 ++ export VERSION COMMIT INITRD ++ export SUFFIX= ++ SUFFIX= ++ '[' -n amd64 ']' ++ '[' amd64 '!=' amd64 ']' ++ echo ' Building v1.3.0 from 4fb7f8e on amd64' Building v1.3.0 from 4fb7f8e on amd64 ++ dirname ./package-iso + cd ./.. ++ pwd + ARTIFACTS=/go/src/ + CD=/cd ++ echo RancherOS ++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' + ISO=/go/src/ + CHECKSUM=iso-checksums.txt + mkdir -p /cd/boot/isolinux + mkdir -p /cd/rancheros + [[ amd64 != \a\m\d\6\4 ]] + '[' '!' -f /go/src/ ']' + '[' '!' -f /go/src/ ']' + cp /go/src/ /cd/boot + pwd /go/src/ + ls dist/artifacts/vmlinuz-4.9.80-rancher dist/artifacts/vmlinuz-4.9.80-rancher + cp /go/src/ /cd/boot/ ++ pwd + DIST=/go/src/ + cp -r /go/src/ /go/src/ /go/src/ /go/src/ /cd/boot/ + cp /usr/lib/ISOLINUX/isolinux.bin /cd/boot/isolinux/ + cp /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/ldlinux.c32 /cd/boot/isolinux/ + cp /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/cat.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/chain.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/cmd.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/cmenu.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/config.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/cptime.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/cpu.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/cpuid.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/cpuidtest.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/debug.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/dhcp.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/disk.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/dmi.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/dmitest.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/elf.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/ethersel.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/gfxboot.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/gpxecmd.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/hdt.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/hexdump.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/host.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/ifcpu.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/ifcpu64.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/ifmemdsk.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/ifplop.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/kbdmap.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/kontron_wdt.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/ldlinux.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/lfs.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/libcom32.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/libgpl.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/liblua.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/libmenu.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/libutil.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/linux.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/ls.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/lua.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/mboot.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/meminfo.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/menu.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/pci.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/pcitest.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/pmload.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/poweroff.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/prdhcp.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/pwd.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/pxechn.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/reboot.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/rosh.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/sanboot.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/sdi.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/sysdump.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/syslinux.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/vesa.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/vesainfo.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/vesamenu.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/vpdtest.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/whichsys.c32 /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/zzjson.c32 /cd/boot/isolinux/ + cp /go/src/ /cd/rancheros/ + cp /go/src/ /cd/rancheros/ + gzip /cd/rancheros/installer.tar + cd /cd + xorriso -as mkisofs -l -J -R -V RancherOS -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/ -isohybrid-mbr /usr/lib/ISOLINUX/isohdpfx.bin -o /go/src/ /cd xorriso 1.4.2 : RockRidge filesystem manipulator, libburnia project. Drive current: -outdev 'stdio:/go/src/' Media current: stdio file, overwriteable Media status : is blank Media summary: 0 sessions, 0 data blocks, 0 data, 82.4g free xorriso : WARNING : -volid text does not comply to ISO 9660 / ECMA 119 rules Added to ISO image: directory '/'='/cd' xorriso : UPDATE : 71 files added in 1 seconds xorriso : UPDATE : 71 files added in 1 seconds xorriso : NOTE : Copying to System Area: 432 bytes from file '/usr/lib/ISOLINUX/isohdpfx.bin' libisofs: NOTE : Aligned image size to cylinder size by 89 blocks xorriso : UPDATE : 20.70% done ISO image produced: 39936 sectors Written to medium : 39936 sectors at LBA 0 Writing to 'stdio:/go/src/' completed successfully. ++ dirname /go/src/ + cd /go/src/ + rm -f iso-checksums.txt + for algo in sha256 md5 +++ basename /go/src/ ++ sha256sum rancheros.iso + echo 'sha256: 1105cb8ca8e82fdcba17c517c742caa08135a621541d5dc319fd28a65287992d rancheros.iso' + for algo in sha256 md5 +++ basename /go/src/ ++ md5sum rancheros.iso + echo 'md5: 1ee0a4abb95e1684ca1aa7c66218398d rancheros.iso' + [[ 0 != '' ]] + [[ amd64 == '' ]] + [[ amd64 == \a\m\d\6\4 ]] + export INTEGRATION_TESTS=1 + INTEGRATION_TESTS=1 + [[ 1 != \1 ]] + echo 'Skipping integration tests' Skipping integration tests + CHECKSUM=dist/checksums.txt + rm -f dist/checksums.txt + cat scripts/hosting/rancheros.ipxe + sed s/latest/v1.3.0/g + echo 'github-release release --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --pre-release --draft' + chmod 755 dist/ + touch dist/ dist/ + chmod 755 dist/ dist/ ++ ls dist/artifacts/ + for file in '$(ls dist/artifacts/)' + case $file in + pushd . /go/src/ /go/src/ + cd dist/artifacts + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ sha256sum Dockerfile.amd64 + echo 'sha256: a09f7626bcb85caeb372323b954035224173e9ac8848ec259bf42b859f23be0b Dockerfile.amd64' + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ md5sum Dockerfile.amd64 + echo 'md5: 9e95a671f0ea2b888a0227cbbfe5d260 Dockerfile.amd64' + popd /go/src/ + for file in '$(ls dist/artifacts/)' + case $file in + pushd . /go/src/ /go/src/ + cd dist/artifacts + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ sha256sum fullinstaller.tar + echo 'sha256: bd8a75555f8d19f9c5dd2707a2d0b970bc6f8adaf7abbf43a61a1ef8f0bff09f fullinstaller.tar' + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ md5sum fullinstaller.tar + echo 'md5: bbc78de006e896748efad4a27f2d135f fullinstaller.tar' + popd /go/src/ + for file in '$(ls dist/artifacts/)' + case $file in + echo 'github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file ./dist/artifacts/initrd-v1.3.0 --name initrd' + echo 'gsutil cp dist/artifacts/initrd-v1.3.0 gs://' + echo 'gsutil cp dist/artifacts/initrd-v1.3.0 gs://' + pushd . /go/src/ /go/src/ + cd dist/artifacts + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ sha256sum initrd-v1.3.0 + echo 'sha256: 03c8c3c7d6e0b97d25ab908e98d694600321612c30f327f7ab123505dbfe6129 initrd-v1.3.0' + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ md5sum initrd-v1.3.0 + echo 'md5: a7db7615674fd38cb71d0988ba8f1aa0 initrd-v1.3.0' + popd /go/src/ + for file in '$(ls dist/artifacts/)' + case $file in + pushd . /go/src/ /go/src/ + cd dist/artifacts + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ sha256sum installer.tar + echo 'sha256: d8a2af7194bd23c5f87378e221e98cae1d120c31effbe93c9aee9166424f0781 installer.tar' + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ md5sum installer.tar + echo 'md5: 16c7ba2cf3f377ca7d7db5d5cffcdc7c installer.tar' + popd /go/src/ + for file in '$(ls dist/artifacts/)' + case $file in + echo 'github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file ./dist/artifacts/iso-checksums.txt --name iso-checksums.txt' + echo 'gsutil cp dist/artifacts/iso-checksums.txt gs://' + echo 'gsutil cp dist/artifacts/iso-checksums.txt gs://' + pushd . /go/src/ /go/src/ + cd dist/artifacts + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ sha256sum iso-checksums.txt + echo 'sha256: 5d8e02a9163b0c62cb898576231d39167d1e1bfc223e1586828a9a73ec3c23c0 iso-checksums.txt' + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ md5sum iso-checksums.txt + echo 'md5: 73a31538ae8b0a93354499a7054f94df iso-checksums.txt' + popd /go/src/ + for file in '$(ls dist/artifacts/)' + case $file in + echo 'github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file ./dist/artifacts/rancheros.ipxe --name rancheros.ipxe' + echo 'gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rancheros.ipxe gs://' + echo 'gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rancheros.ipxe gs://' + pushd . /go/src/ /go/src/ + cd dist/artifacts + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ sha256sum rancheros.ipxe + echo 'sha256: 0c94551609c9bb772bcc906b98e5a1dad1131fecd66a0548b79022b93e7690db rancheros.ipxe' + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ md5sum rancheros.ipxe + echo 'md5: cf8c85342ee19dd6e5ab719ef5f9fb68 rancheros.ipxe' + popd /go/src/ + for file in '$(ls dist/artifacts/)' + case $file in + echo 'github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file ./dist/artifacts/rancheros.iso --name rancheros.iso' + echo 'gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rancheros.iso gs://' + echo 'gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rancheros.iso gs://' + pushd . /go/src/ /go/src/ + cd dist/artifacts + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ sha256sum rancheros.iso + echo 'sha256: 1105cb8ca8e82fdcba17c517c742caa08135a621541d5dc319fd28a65287992d rancheros.iso' + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ md5sum rancheros.iso + echo 'md5: 1ee0a4abb95e1684ca1aa7c66218398d rancheros.iso' + popd /go/src/ + for file in '$(ls dist/artifacts/)' + case $file in + echo 'github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file ./dist/artifacts/rootfs.tar.gz --name rootfs.tar.gz' + echo 'gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rootfs.tar.gz gs://' + echo 'gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rootfs.tar.gz gs://' + pushd . /go/src/ /go/src/ + cd dist/artifacts + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ sha256sum rootfs.tar.gz + echo 'sha256: b31e47f7107d18ff3fd93d4c831504144c11eba17faa730d21d6ac8952edf6ea rootfs.tar.gz' + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ md5sum rootfs.tar.gz + echo 'md5: 06d2ac0b06276f9d0e929e1039d437fc rootfs.tar.gz' + popd /go/src/ + for file in '$(ls dist/artifacts/)' + case $file in + echo 'github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file ./dist/artifacts/vmlinuz-4.9.80-rancher --name vmlinuz' + echo 'gsutil cp dist/artifacts/vmlinuz-4.9.80-rancher gs://' + echo 'gsutil cp dist/artifacts/vmlinuz-4.9.80-rancher gs://' + pushd . /go/src/ /go/src/ + cd dist/artifacts + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ sha256sum vmlinuz-4.9.80-rancher + echo 'sha256: 6943456cd3cfe963318888182986a6b9beec618874827fedeb7b0dd474b8029f vmlinuz-4.9.80-rancher' + for algo in sha256 md5 ++ md5sum vmlinuz-4.9.80-rancher + echo 'md5: 8494324571087595d5dc189c799e46b4 vmlinuz-4.9.80-rancher' + popd /go/src/ + echo 'github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file dist/release.log --name release.log' + for extra_file in rancheros-openstack.img rancheros-digitalocean.img + echo 'github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file ./dist/artifacts/rancheros-openstack.img --name rancheros-openstack.img' + echo 'gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rancheros-openstack.img gs://' + echo 'gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rancheros-openstack.img gs://' + for extra_file in rancheros-openstack.img rancheros-digitalocean.img + echo 'github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file ./dist/artifacts/rancheros-digitalocean.img --name rancheros-digitalocean.img' + echo 'gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rancheros-digitalocean.img gs://' + echo 'gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rancheros-digitalocean.img gs://' + echo 'github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file dist/checksums.txt --name checksums.txt' + echo + cat dist/images + sed 's/^/docker push /' + echo '--- Run dist/' --- Run dist/ + cat dist/ github-release release --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --pre-release --draft github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file ./dist/artifacts/initrd-v1.3.0 --name initrd github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file ./dist/artifacts/iso-checksums.txt --name iso-checksums.txt github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file ./dist/artifacts/rancheros.ipxe --name rancheros.ipxe github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file ./dist/artifacts/rancheros.iso --name rancheros.iso github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file ./dist/artifacts/rootfs.tar.gz --name rootfs.tar.gz github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file ./dist/artifacts/vmlinuz-4.9.80-rancher --name vmlinuz github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file dist/release.log --name release.log github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file ./dist/artifacts/rancheros-openstack.img --name rancheros-openstack.img github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file ./dist/artifacts/rancheros-digitalocean.img --name rancheros-digitalocean.img github-release upload --user rancher --repo os --tag v1.3.0 --file dist/checksums.txt --name checksums.txt docker push rancher/os-rootfs:v1.3.0 docker push rancher/os-base:v1.3.0 docker push rancher/os-acpid:v1.3.0 docker push rancher/os-bootstrap:v1.3.0 docker push rancher/os-console:v1.3.0 docker push rancher/os-logrotate:v1.3.0 docker push rancher/os-syslog:v1.3.0 docker push rancher/os:v1.3.0 + echo '--- Run dist/' --- Run dist/ + cat dist/ gsutil cp dist/artifacts/initrd-v1.3.0 gs:// gsutil cp dist/artifacts/iso-checksums.txt gs:// gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rancheros.ipxe gs:// gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rancheros.iso gs:// gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rootfs.tar.gz gs:// gsutil cp dist/artifacts/vmlinuz-4.9.80-rancher gs:// gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rancheros-openstack.img gs:// gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rancheros-digitalocean.img gs:// + cat dist/ gsutil cp dist/artifacts/initrd-v1.3.0 gs:// gsutil cp dist/artifacts/iso-checksums.txt gs:// gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rancheros.ipxe gs:// gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rancheros.iso gs:// gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rootfs.tar.gz gs:// gsutil cp dist/artifacts/vmlinuz-4.9.80-rancher gs:// gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rancheros-openstack.img gs:// gsutil cp dist/artifacts/rancheros-digitalocean.img gs:// time="2018-03-28T03:54:16Z" level=info msg="docker cp /go/src/ ." time="2018-03-28T03:54:16Z" level=info msg="docker cp /go/src/ ." time="2018-03-28T03:54:18Z" level=info msg="docker cp /go/src/ build" time="2018-03-28T03:54:24Z" level=info msg="docker cp /go/src/ build"